Kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + project: Vocational Education and Training for Green and
Smart Electricity in Buildings – VET4GSEB

On the 26th and 27th January 2023 a kick-off meeting gave the start of the VET4GSEB project. It was organised and run by Evelina Stoykova from Sofia Energy Center (SEC), the project coordinator and was held at hotel Rosslyn Central Park, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The meeting was attended by 16 participants from the 6 partners’ countries. It was carried out in hybrid format- the participants from NUBIP, Ukraine took on-line part in the meeting.

The Agenda of the kick-off comprised a detailed review of: the project’s Work packages and the defined Tasks to be fulfilled presented by their leaders, determination of dates for the further meetings, precision of dedalines for the different activities, opinions and proposals for the successful implementation of the projects etc., as follows:

On the 26th January:

  • Partners’ organisations presenantions;
  • Introduction to the project and Activities under WP1 Project: Management and
    coordination incl. the tasks: Coordination and Project Management, Monitoring and
    Controlling, Reporting, documentation, Communication- presented by Evelina Stoykova from
  • A Consortium Management Board and a Quality Assurance and Risk Management Team
    were composed with represenantives of the project’s partners.
  • Dates of the next meetings (on-line and in presence) were determined.

On the 27th January:

  • Presenantion of WP2 – Needs Analysis and Current Development in VET, with the tasks:
    Needs Analysis through Questionnaires and Round Table, Best Training Methods - presented
    by Nina Nikolova from the Chamber of Installation Specialists in Bulgaria (CISB) and Data
    collection on innovative solutions for energy management presented by Ziya Sogut and
    Sadi Karamanoglu from the Sustainable Development and Environment Association
    (SUDEAS)- the partner from Turkey.
  • Presenantion and discussions of WP3 – Training Tools and Materials and WP4 - Train the
    Trainers. The training programme and the content of the 5 training modules will be specified
    according to the results of WP2. The activities under WP3 were presented by Nina Nikolova
    from CISB and Evelina Stoykova from SEC. The activities under WP4 were presented by Nina
    Nikolova from CISB. The discussion was focused on the selection of trainers that will be
  • Presentation of WP5 – Dissemination and Impact – presented by Irina Terzyiska from the
    European Labour Institute (ELI), Bulgaria. It was focused on the activities of the following
    tasks: Communication and Dissemination, Visualisation of the project, Promotion, Impact
    Assessment and sustainability.

On the evening of 26 th of January the partners had a very pleasant diner at a nice restaurant in Sofia, organized by the coordinator of the project, where the discussions on the further project’s activities continued in a non-formal atmosphere.